Oct 20, 2009

a friend in pain

I have the privilege of the friendship of a really amazing person. She's been through some very difficult, dark times, but she remains one of the most cheerful, happy people I know.
Hearing her story inspired me to write this poem, as a series of Twitter tweets:

1> she tells of autumn leaves, crunched, swirled in bitter howling winds. tales of a fantasy messed-up life, couldn't be true - right?
2> her stories chill, the darkness haunts the deepest spots in her pupils; hellfires on earth, a walking nightmare.
3> but silver sparkles in the tears on her cheeks, in the gusting wind that snatches and plays with our uttered words.
4> , the bitter revelation past, she smiles and laughs. Got no choice? 
5> No; her choice is to smile, to bite down on the lemon and draw sugar from somewhere deep. Or maybe she's decided how to live. 
6> Cup half full? Not always; she sighs. Not always, my friend; but her laugh comes again, a welcome refrain -- 
7> -- sprinkling a teaspoon of sugar, to help the medicine go down. No umbrella on her, but she knows how to shine! 
May she have much joy...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


  1. A beautiful poem, and a wonderful tribute to your friend.

  2. thank you.
    she's an amazing person. it's interesting how painful experiences sometimes turn a person sour, and sometimes they turn them sweet
