Oct 25, 2009

seagull at the lake

A while ago, I took a trip with some friends to a large lake, and was quite taken with the great presence of seagulls.
As I describe in the poem below, something in me rebelled against this. Surely seagulls are supposed to be at the sea, not at an inland lake? Their very name says so.
Well, this intrigued me enough to serve as inspiration for a poem.
Here it is. Enjoy. As always, your comments are welcome.

seagull at the lake

big fat birds
picture white,
with alarming wingspans,
jumped and swooped at our crumbs in the park.

'why doesn't someone tell them
they're in the wrong place?' I said,
and got a serving of laughs for my wit.

you're SEA-gulls. that's what y'are.
why are you at a lake?
you're big and bulky and fresh-looking,
on trees and green grasses, park benches and very un-seasideness;
and something of the little boy's traditional
seaside holiday education,
rules and knowledges imbibed,
input and written up, written down in the soft places inside,
rebels against this out-of-placeness.

for sure, live where you want,
be happy and dive for your food on the grass,
carry on living the seagull way;

you're seagulls. living at a lake. faaaar from the sea.
does this not
feel a little strange to you?

Picture is from here.

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